Top 10 Hurricane Pet Safety Tips

Key takeaways from Paul Davis experts in advance of the 2018 hurricane season for family pets

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Have several preparation kits at the ready including one for your pets. Make sure all of your pets are up to date on their vaccinations.
A pet emergency kit is described in detail at PetVet. If your pet is not already micro-chipped, do so now.
The sounds and activity that occur during a natural disaster, so keep your pet in its carrier or on a leash while with you.
Check on shelters and safety areas ahead of time. Look for those that will accept your pets and have a plan ready.
Remain as calm as you can. Your pet can sense your emotions, so a calming demeanor can lead to a less-panicked pet.
A very well thought out plan would be to board your pet and have a reservation further in land or a spot held as the disaster approaches.
If possible take your pet’s favorite bed, toy, blanket and/or anything that has familiar odors from your home or your family.
Make sure your pets are given the same clean source of water that you and your family are consuming.
If you have a cat, you are going to need a cage/crate for a shelter.
If you have no choice but to leave your pets alone (NOT ADVISABLE) do not chain your animals to anything, do not tranquilize them so they have a chance to escape if necessary and do not leave lamps or electric items on.


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